Have you heard the exciting news? There are 3 new species found in Machu Picchu
Recent discoveries by researchers from the Museum of Biodiversity of Peru and the Oso de Anteojos Conservation Organization, in collaboration with the National Service of Protected Natural Areas by the State (Sernanp), have unveiled three new species of mammals in the historic sanctuary of Machu Picchu’s National Park!
These fascinating discoveries shed light on the incredible biodiversity of this ancient Incan citadel and the surrounding Andean ecosystem.

This work has identified three new species in the area: the yaguarundí, the picuro mama, and an adorable ardilla.
They set up 200 camera traps and worked with park rangers to monitor the area, and we’re thrilled with the results.
This discovery was made as part of two ongoing projects: one to learn more about the Andean bears and their habitat, and the other to assess the activity and diversity of larger and smaller mammals in the area.
As part of the latter project, we were also pleased to identify the presence of the chinchilla arboreal rat. We can’t wait to share more of our findings with you as more information about this incredible region surges!
Machu Picchu’s Pending Mysteries
As we celebrate 40 years of Machu Picchu as a Natural and Cultural Heritage of Humanity, new records have emerged, revealing the mysteries that still surround the Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu.

Despite over 100 years of studies on its biodiversity, the forests of this site continue to hold secrets.
Machu Picchu is one of the greatest enigmas of our time, not only due to its immense cultural legacy, including the Inca City of Machu Picchu, but also because of its unique and varied biodiversity, which is of great importance for conservation in Peru and the world.
About These New Discoveries
The jaguarundi, also known as the jaguarundi or black cat (Puma yagouaroundi), is a feline endemic to southern North America and South America.
In Peru, this species can be found in areas such as the Tambopata National Reserve, as well as in the Udima Cloud Forest Refuge and Laquipampa Refuge in Cajamarca and Lambayeque, respectively.
Meanwhile, the picuro mama, also known as the machetero (Dinomys branickii), is a rodent native to South America and is the only living member of the Dinomyidae family.
The ardilla, a member of the Sciuridae family and the genus Hadrosciurus, is a new record for the sanctuary. This discovery was made by official park rangers Elodio Dávalos and Constantino Quispe, as well as volunteer park rangers.

Don’t Miss out on Any future Updates
It’s always exciting to discover new species found in Machu Picchu or anywhere else, yet it’s important if it’s a place as historically and culturally significant as Machu Picchu.
The secrets of this ancient Inca citadel continue to captivate us, and the discovery of these three new species only adds to the wonder and mystery of this incredible site.
If you wish to visit Machu Picchu and explore on your own adventure, contact us! We’ll gladly assist you on your adventure.