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An ayahuasca tree with a sign on front to denotate which is the plant.

The usage of psychedelic substances were considered taboo for a long time, however, studies conducted around the supposed benefits that the interaction of one’s body and the active principles of the chemicals behind these substances are opening new horizons and breaking paradigms in the debate for this matter.

By now you should be aware of the effects that the psychedelia linked to ayahuasca’s usage unties on your body as it spreads over your senses, psyche and systems.

The principal ingredient that is responsible of this is called “chacruna” (Psychotria viridis shrub), a bush that expels DMT or dimethyltryptamine, however, the beverage (a disgusting one for almost all the tastes by the way) may be combined with other ingredients too (these may vary depending on the preparer).

Rituals planned around the use of this substance goes way beyond trackable history in the South American region (particularly in the jungle or rainforest) and now this process has been refined for retreats that are up to sale, Natourandes ain’t alien to this reality since we think that safety should be prioritized for these processes (unfortunately this way of thinking doesn’t represent the majority of handlers that work with this product).

Widespread attention doesn’t help this phenomenon, however, careful treatment for the process may lighten your worries, and we can surely be up for the expectations.


The rainforest is no stranger to this process, however, if we would like to precise dates, things may become blurry even for experts. Shamans are one of the first things that may come to our mind when we think about this, yet, many labs are now partaking into the study and experimentation with this particular flora species.

Healing Properties:

Physical healing

While scientific research is ongoing, anecdotal evidence suggests that Ayahuasca may have potential therapeutic effects on various physical ailments, including chronic pain, autoimmune disorders, and addiction.

Emotional healing

Many individuals report profound emotional healing during Ayahuasca ceremonies, experiencing cathartic releases of repressed emotions and gaining clarity on past traumas.

This therapeutic process can lead to greater emotional resilience and a renewed sense of inner peace.

It can facilitate mystical experiences and profound spiritual revelations.

Ayahuasca retreats in Peru.

Ayahuasca in Peru?

Choosing and preparing the Right Retreat

This topic rubs on the expectancy and the offer that many may try to sell to tourists just to make an easy buck. However, a wrong handling of this substance may be risky to say the least.

You should make sure that you’re ready about the decision of going for “Ayahuasca retreats in Peru”, also, be aware that the substance has a different interaction for every body that consumes it. Don’t set a bar too high or too low, however, in the majority of cases, the symptoms, inherent risks, effects and after-effects are usually the same.

Among the factors that may be of importance for the interaction with the bodies are:

  • Basics like size, weight, and overall health
  • Familiarity with the substance
  • Concurrent use of other drugs
  • Dosage consumed
  • Potency of the brew, which can fluctuate from batch to batch
  • Setting in which the drug is ingested

The duration of ayahuasca’s effects typically ranges from 4 to 6 hours. These effects may surge after a half of an hour and they may peak around the second hour or so:

  • Nausea and vomiting, often induced by ingesting the brew
  • Diarrhea
  • Euphoria
  • Feelings of interconnectedness and unity
  • Introspection
  • Profound visual and auditory hallucinations
  • Intense emotional experiences
  • Anxiety and fear
  • Modest elevations in blood pressure and heart rate
  • Heightened body temperature
A shaman proceed with the usual rite before Ayahuasca's consumption.

Science’s Side

Controversy gathers around this topic by every imaginable aspect that one may consider for Ayahuasca’s consumption. Nonetheless, ayahuasca retreats in Peru or any other location have been considered as an useful tool to combat disorders like PTSD or substance abuse.

New scientific approachment to these substances have shed light on past-century estigmas.

The Ritual

Ayahuasca rituals commonly occur in small groups, usually ranging from 5 to 20 individuals. These gatherings can occur either during the day or at night, with nighttime ceremonies being more popular. While the specifics of each ceremony may vary based on the chosen lodge and personal preferences, there are shared elements that participants can expect in most ayahuasca rituals.

First, the participants are usually seated in a circle, each with a bucket or other container for vomiting. In the center is the shaman, or curandero, who opens with a prayer requesting protection for the ceremony. Next, the ayahuasca tea is distributed to each participant for consumption. At this point, the shaman begins to sing icaros, a type of song or chant used to summon healing spirits while the medicine takes effect. The amount of time can vary for each individual from 15 minutes to an hour or more.

It is common to become nauseous and vomit as the tea takes its effect–in fact, vomiting is considered an integral part of the experience by many shamans as it supposedly helps to cleanse the body and spirit from negative influences, allowing for a feeling of rebirth.

The singing of icaros may continue throughout the ceremony along with other musical forms like instrumental drum playing.

Bad “Trips”

Certain individuals might encounter adverse effects when consuming psychedelics, or they may undergo challenging experiences. These could entail:

  1. Disturbing or unsettling hallucinations
  2. Heightened levels of anxiety and bewilderment
  3. Feelings of fear and paranoia

Such encounters might be perceived or interpreted in varying ways, particularly within a traditional or ritualistic framework. In these contexts, they might be regarded as valuable lessons and integral components of a spiritual or healing odyssey, rather than solely negative occurrences.

Ayahuasca's retreats carry a risk for the participants.

Ayahuasca on Culture and Laws

Ayahuasca carries profound cultural importance for indigenous communities in the Amazon, where it is esteemed as a sacred medicine and a fundamental aspect of spiritual customs and methods of healing.

The legality of Ayahuasca varies among nations, with certain countries acknowledging its religious and therapeutic applications, while others categorize it as a controlled substance.

Legal structures are continuously adapting as scientific investigations progress and societal perspectives on psychedelics undergo change.

Find out more about this controversial plant and much more by contacting us.