The ancient knowledge about Peru plants and herbal treatments is still alive inside the exuberant rainforest and now you will learn more of the best Peru herbal medicine.
We need to mention that there are several plants in Peru for many illnesses and sicknesses, and most of them come from the pure rainforest. Drinking in tea, eating them or just selecting through the various amazonian flowers just rough or smashing them to make creams; you will find the solution for your health problems. Only you need to visit the wonderful jungle.
Check the following list out!
1. CAT’S CLAW/UÑA DE GATO (Uncaria tomentosa):
These Peru plants ow their name to its tiny thorns that resemble cat’s claws!
It is a tall tree (20 m. high) and along its branches, there are flowers and leaves; used for preparing some herbal tea to avoid digestive sickness. Nevertheless, the most value part of cat’s claw tree is the tree bark.
In addition, its only proved benefit is anti-inflammatory. Therefore, among the phenomenal jungle, it is boiled and mixed with other Peru plants to avoid swellings.
2. ACHIOTE (Bixa Orellana):
This Peru plant is not only used among the exuberant rainforest, but is also the raw material for natural red dye that brings color to many editable and some make-up. Therefore, some people know achiote as the “lipstick tree” as well.
The Amazonic communities along the pure rainforest still prepare Peru herbal medicine from the achiote against headache, irritation, swellings, digestive problems and many more.
By the way, the pulp heals burn skin and blisters; and the leaves in tea to heal swollen cough, respiratory problems, fever, hypertension, diarrhea, skin infection and conjunctivitis.
Meanwhile, when the achiote’s seeds are dryed, local people from the wonderful jungle smash them to be consumed against stomach affections, kidney diseases, measles, smallpox and dysentery.
3. SANGRE DE GRADO (Croton lechleri):
Also called (in some regions of South America) dragon’s blood, this tree from the boundless jungle boasts a red latex, which is the reason of its name.
The red latex is the raw material to produce several peruvian herbal medicine. And creams that are used for bandages and sealing wounds; due to it gets dry quickly to become a natural barrier very similar to skin.
Thus, if your hand, arms or legs got a small cut when you are traveling along the phenomenal jungle, you can use sangre de grado’s latex to heal your cut. Furthermore, this plant from peru´s jungle is tall and straight.
4. AYAHUASCA (Banisteriopsis caapi):
Perhaps one of the most outstanding Peru plants along the exuberant rainforest. Also known like yagé, this indigenous beverage exists throughout South America and includes two kinds of Peru plants.
According to new researches, the first plant (ayahuasca Peru) contains harmine and tetrahydroharmine (THH) that stop depression and allow the entrance of dimethyltryptamine (DMT). Meanwhile, the second plant named chacruna (Psychotria viridis) boasts a great percentage of DMT molecules.
By the way, ayahuasca Peru makes hallucinogenic effects, owing to the existence of natural DMT. Furthermore, this peru herbal medicine only exist inside the pure rainforest of Peru.
5. CHUCHUHUASI (Monteverdia laevis):
It is an amazon tree, that reaches 25 meters high, and the tree bark has a brownish coloration. Also, its leaves measure 10 cm. on average.
Throughout the flora in the rainforest, native communities still use these Peru plants to avoid cancer, diabetes, heart attacks and more health problems. They cut the trunk in small pieces to ferment in alcohol.
If you are interested in the peruvian herbal medicine, you can visit the great Tambopata rainforest through one of our exclusive tours. Get in contact with us!