Here are the best curiosities of the peruvian jungle that will surprise you and encourage you to get our Tambopata tours to visit the most extensive tropical forest in the world!
By the way, the following amazing facts are related to the great extent of pure rainforest within Tambopata Nature Reserve, which extends over 36268 square kilometers. In addition, it is distributed on the riversides of the Tambopata and Madre de Dios rivers..
Therefore, this area of the jungle in peru is one of the most bio diverse regions in the world, and here are some fun facts about this exuberant rainforest to consider before you travel.
Please note the following information!
1. Biodiversity Capital of Peru:
The whole province of Madre de Dios (where is located Tambopata Reserve) is considered like that due to its extraordinary variety of species.
In a single day, some park rangers could register as many animal as 650 birds, 1200 butterflies, 155 dragonflies and some mammals, reptiles and fishes. Nevertheless, our Tambopata tours are not a kind of safari journey because you will walk through the phenomenal peruvian jungle. Where you can spontaneously find different types of insects, birds, mammals or reptiles; and also learn the healing properties of plants known thanks to the wisdom of our ancestors of this boundless peruvian jungle.
2. Tambopata Nature Reserve became the first ecotourism destination in South America (since 1973):
Owing to many popular travellers such as Ted Parker, Paul Donahue, Barry Walker (the most popular representative of birdwatch peru, who made very important records of flora and fauna) and many scientists more.
Not only they got surprised by this exuberant rainforest but also they began to bring some parameters for not disturbing the ecosystems and participation of the local population in ecotourism.
3. Madre de Dios (including Tambopata) is the only department throughout Peru where the “Brazil nut” or “chestnut” grows:
These trees grow up to 30 meters and take approximately 40 years to bear fruits, which are hard, circular and very similar to coconuts. As well, they have seeds inside that are rich in protein.
Local people harvest between 3 and 4 million kilos of Brazil nuts from the pure peruvian rainforest each year!
4. The origin of the name “Madre de Dios” (the main gateway for Tambopata tours):
According to history, the Dominican missionaries who sailed through the rivers of the peruvian jungle to bring the Christian message, lost a statue of the Virgin Mary; which was later found by the inhabitants of the area.
Therefore, they considered it as a divine sighting and named the whole territory as Mother of God (Madre de Dios), in allusion to the virgin.
5. The great legend of Paititi or El Dorado:
This ancient story narrates the existence of a golden city deep in the phenomenal peruvian jungle that boasts treasures from Incas.
The descriptions of the area where it would be found, point to the geographical location of Madre de Dios. Consequently, many expeditions of Spanish people head to this Peruvian jungle, but most of them got failed owing to the difficulties on the way to the exuberant rainforest.
6. The main means of transportation in the peruvian jungle:
In Madre de Dios, people travel mainly on motorcycles and motokars because they facilitate access to the areas farthest from the city, many of which are narrow trails where a car could not travel.
Meanwhile, within Tambopata Reserve, the only mean of transportation is boat (motorized or non-motorized). By the way, this is a good way to maintain the pure rainforest.
7. The rubber era:
Rubber was a temporary resource that lasted approximately 30 years from 1882 (19th century) to 1912 and marked the history of Madre de Dios and Tambopata rainforest.
Suddenly, the exploitation of rubber declined in the jungle of peru, due to the English advisers of the great extraction companies moved rubber seedlings to Java, Sumatra and Muluccas islands, which were colonized by England. This meant the end of its exploitation in peruvian jungle.
8. The true pharmacy of the world:
Did you know that 25% of the medicines in the world is produced of raw materials extracted from the phenomenal jungle?
As well, the jungle in peru is an important source of food, that we eat daily, such as bananas, avocado, cacao and more. Even, 96 tons of oxygen in the world is produced throughout peru rainforest every year.
Don’t waste time and contact us to make your dreamy vacation in Peru possible!